Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Preparing for my intern oral exam

Shortly after finishing my med school interviews, I'm now onto my next project: intern oral exam.

For those who aren't familiar, for an intern pharmacist there are 4 main hurdles to pass before you get registered.

  1. Complete an Intern training program (consisting of assignments and projects)
  2. Complete 1824 supervised hours in a pharmacy.
  3. Pass an intern written exam
  4. Pass the intern oral exam  
At this stage, I'm 5 weeks away from completing my supervised hours and also just need to pass my oral exam.

The intern oral exam is held 3 times a year: February, June and October. In order to sit the oral exam, you must have completed 75% of your training hours and have passed your written exam. For most interns who start in January, by the time you meet the prerequisites the earliest oral exam available is the October exam.

The exam consists of 4 sections:
  • Knowledge
  • Primary health care
  • Ethical scenarios
  • Complex medicinal scenario
The first section tests your knowledge of medicines. Candidates will be given 5 random medicines and need to name the class, indication, side effects, things to be cautious of and things to monitor. 

In order to prepare for this section, I've compiled a list of medicines that I need to commit to memory. (more than 250+ drugs... oh my brain)

I only have less than 15 days to study for this exam. I hope I didn't leave it too late. Curses to the '3 month ago me' for not studying!!!!

The consequences of failing this exam would be a prolonged intern period. Instead of being registered in December, I will need to wait until February to re-sit the exam. 

I will NOT let that happen!

Fight ON!!

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