Sunday, October 27, 2013

Transition from provisional to general registration

So far I am at the stage of transitioning from my provisional pharmacist registration to general registration.

Requirements to become a pharmacists are as follows:
  • Complete an Intern Training Portfolio (from either Guild, PSA or UQ)
  • Pass the Intern Written Exam
  • Pass the Intern Oral exam 
  • Complete 1824 hours of supervised practice.
I have already completed the first two requirements. I'll find out my oral exam results on the 4th Nov and my 1824 hours should tick on the 7th of November. 

According to the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA), I could apply for general registration now because my provisional license is expiring at the end of November and I am expected to finish all requirements within the next 60 days. 

So I followed the online form and paid $477 ($160 application fee and $317 registration fee) to get my general registration. Once I paid for the application, I was sent a check list of supporting documents to send the registration agency to complete the paperwork. I have 60 days to lodge my supporting documents. If all goes well, I'll be sending them on their way on the 11th of November once I've completed all four criteria and got my paperwork certified. 

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