Wednesday, October 30, 2013

I got into med school!

After peeping at my phone throughout work the whole day I finally received the email I was waiting for!

ANU has offered me a CSP position. 

I am so happy and grateful of the outcome. Just like Oscar winners I want to thank everybody that has helped me through this journey! My friends and family that cheered me along the way, my boss who allowed me to take time off for the interview, my girlfriend who prepared me every step of the way etc.

Now that I'm here, it is officially time to look for next year's accommodations! Bye bye Brisbane, and hello Canberra!


  1. Congratulations on your CSP at ANU! Time to mix with the politicians :P.

    1. Thanks!
      I'm really excited to be at this stage! Horray!

  2. Congratulations on getting into Med School at ANU! Try to pace yourself to minimize burnout. Good luck!
