From a customer's point of view, I am expected to have knowledge of the products I sell. The unfortunate truth is that there are things I do not know or have just forgot. Ever since working in the pharmacy as a student, I have been challenged to counsel patients on products that I am unfamiliar with.
After years of practice, I have developed a set of techniques to wing my way through a counseling session without looking unprofessional.
1) Buy yourself some time:
For example,
Me: Good morning Madame, here is your medication. Have you used this product before?
Patient: nope.
Me: Okay! Well let me get you a print out.
(Now quickly leave the patient and go behind the counter to print out a consumer medicine information leaflet)
Once you have bought yourself some time,
2) download as much information into your brain while the leaflet is being printed.
Quickly consult your usual resources such as the CMI, AMH, eMIMS etc to get the vital information.
Info such as:
what the medicine is
What it is used for
How it works (not crucial)
How to take the medicine.
What to look out for on the medicine
Side effects
3) regurgitate the information to the patient, without looking like you are regurgitating
For example:
Me: thank you for waiting Madame.
So I've got your information leaflet right here.
So, this mediation is commonly used for ( insert indication)
Is this what you are using it for?
Ok good, so has the doctor told you how to take the medicine?
Yep, that is correct, he instructs you to (read the label)
As all medicines have side effects, with this medicine you may need to watch out for (read 1-2 common side effects)
As this is your first time taking this medicine, I would like you to watch out for ( insert symptoms to watch out for or other crucial information)
Do you have a follow up appointment with the doctor?
That's good! I hope the medicine works well for you!
If you have any problems, do not hesitate to give us a call or come back. We are more than happy to help you!
Have a nice day!
Each unfamiliar product I counseled has been a learning opportunity.
Now that I'm 7 months into my internship, I'm happy to say I at least know a bit about most products I see each day.
I still come across products I've never heard of before, but hey, I've got a long way to go!