Tuesday, December 31, 2013

My General Registration has finally arrived

I’ve finally received my General Registration as a pharmacist today. I lodged my application since November 8th, it finally arrived on December 31st.

During these 9 weeks, I’ve gone through excitement, annoyance, frustration ,out rage and indifference. I’ve called AHPRA at least 10 times, and by the end I’ve come to accept the thought that ‘it’s not going to happen any time soon’.

It wasn’t until my friend texted me that I realise the registration came through. Too bad that it had to come through the day after my last shift. I guess I'll get to experience being a full pharmacist at my next job.

Oh well, now it’s time to look for a job next year! It’s really scary… hope it all goes well!

Happy New Year People!

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