Sunday, October 27, 2013

5 days left!

Assuming the medicine offers to be released on Nov 1st, there is only 5 days left!

My self-confidence has been constantly fluctuating for the past few weeks. Oscillating between 'I did awesome' to 'Something must have gone wrong'. In other words, I'd like to think that I'd definitely get in but another part of my self is telling me that I am being too cocky. **Stupid brain, pick a side and stay that way!!**

At this stage I have finished all necessary assessments, so I have some extra time to myself. It is really tempting to look up potential rental options for next year, but both my girlfriend and my other conscience would slap me on the wrist and tell me 'it's too early to look!'

WELL... it's only 5 days left!

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