Saturday, March 22, 2014

First med school exam! My initial med school experience!

I had my first med school exam today. It is definitely a funny feeling to go to the exam feeling like you are going to fail, and then come out of the test feeling fine!

It has already been 6 weeks since med school started, and although I knew med school wasn't going to be easy, the amount of content they cram into the lecture is takes a little to get used to. 

So far, the first six weeks of 1st year med school has been the 'foundation' block. This block focuses on getting non-science background students up to scratch with medical science content. So for the past 6 weeks we've been taught intensely on:
  • Anatomy
  • Microbiology
  • Cell biology
  • Histology
  • Physiology
  • Social Foundations of Medicine